Night market foods !!!!!! part 1

Now have been doing a write ups about cafe, restaurant and such, but i have done something more simple and nice and what i really enjoy in terms of good food. 

Welcome to night markets or as we call in malaysia PASAR MALAM.  ever since i can remember when i was young i love to eat night market food. Cheap , good and best of all variety !!!!!! everyone one of them i go to , i will enjoy or find good cheap and lots of variety in terms of food. nothing can compare with all these good and delicious food . 

The best thing with night market food, you can always find the same in certain markets. but you always find nice time as when you're with friends or family members or even alone, you will enjoy and have a good time with lots of fun. 

 from as simple a sweet dessert or something like smelly tau foo and lok lok ( mobile steamboat skewers) all you can find in a market.. So for part 1 its all about the food that i like and normally go for . so stay tune for part 2 for more of the uncommon one i go for and maybe something special as well....


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